Your Secret Weapon to Break Free from a Narcissist.


The Ultimative Toolkit to Reclaim Your Power after Narcissistic Abuse.

If you've landed here, you have likely experienced the pain of being stuck in a relationship with a narcissistic person. You may feel invisible, and manipulated, and your boundaries are oversteped. The never-ending games, humiliation and feeling powerless can be overwhelming. It causes inner pain and affects your self-worth and mental well-being.

This painful situation can feel like a never-ending maze of doubt and frustration. You deserve to live a life full of love, power and personal fulfilment. But now you can see, how this pattern causes more pain and emptiness. 

I have created How to Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit. This is your toolkit to re-discover your inner power, heal your soul and design the life you deserve.

What's in the Toolkit:

I've made a comprehensive collection of tools designed to help you to get your life back after Narcissistic Abuse.



Thriving Beyond Narcissistic Abuse: Manifesting Your Dream Life with Empowerment.

Worth: €27



Reclaiming Your Power: Healing Workbook for Thriving Beyond Narcissistic Abuse.

You'll receive the workbook as PDF and Google Sheet Doc.

Worth: €10



Emotional Healing Journal

Worth: €10

Affirmation Screen Saver:

48x Affirmation Screen Saver for your smartphone

Worth: €7

Affirmation Card:

Affirmation Card to Take Back Your Power after Narcissistic Abuse

Worth: €7

These resources guide you through a process of self-discovery, mindset coaching, and practical exercises that boost your self-worth, self-confidence, and the ability to set healthy boundaries.

By taking this step and using my toolkit, you will experience deep relief, more self-confidence, and increased happiness. You'll begin to attract healthier relationships and live a life, that's in harmony with your dreams and desires. You're not alone on this journey toward healing and empowerment. I have developed this toolkit with great care and expertise to help you break free from narcissistic abuse and step into a new phase of your life.

Your first step to change is right in front of you. I'm here to support you in your journey of healing and empowerment. Grab the opportunity to break free from the pain and start creating the life you deserve.

Your journey toward a better life starts right here, right now. Take the first step toward transformation.

How to Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit



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How to Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit

The toolkit includes; E-book: Thriving Beyond Narcissistic Abuse: Manifesting Your Dream Life with Empowerment. Reclaiming Your Power - Workbook. Emotional Healing Journal. Affirmations Cards to Take Your Power Back After Narcissistic Abuse.

27.00 EUR


Keep an eye out for the email I just sent you with all the downloads.

Frequently Asked Question:

E-Book: Thriving Beyond Narcissistic Abuse: Manifesting Your Dream Life with Empowerment. Workbook: Reclaiming Your Power: Healing Workbook for Thriving Beyond Narcissistic Abuse. Emotional Healing Journal. Affirmations Cards to Take Your Power Back After Narcissistic Abuse. 48x Affirmation Screen Savers.

The toolkit guides you through a process of deep reflection, exercises, and practical tools that help you understand and heal the emotional wounds caused by narcissistic abuse.

Yes, the "How to Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit" is specifically designed for people who have experienced narcissistic abuse and are seeking a way to break free and rebuild their lives. This toolkit is designed to help you understand, heal, and thrive after such a painful experience.

This toolkit is created with a unique combination of an e-book, workbook, journal, affirmation cards, and affirmation screen savers, all designed specifically to help survivors like you break free from narcissistic abuse and begin to thrive again. It is not just advice, it is a holistic toolkit for transformation.

With personal experience as a survivor of narcissistic abuse and expertise as a Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, and Manifestation Expert, I bring a unique approach to helping survivors of narcissistic abuse break free and rebuild their lives.

I understand that this is an important decision. Therefore, I offer a money-back guarantee if you regret your purchase.

Coaching and 1:1 Sessions are no longer something I'm offering due to health issues.

I take privacy and security very seriously. All your information is treated confidentially and never shared with third parties.

Yes, I offer a 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with "How to Break Free from a Narcissist - Toolkit," simply contact me at within 7 days of your purchase and I will refund your full amount without further ado questions. Your satisfaction is my priority.

Accessing your own copy of the toolkit is simple. Simply click the "ACCESS THE TOOLKIT TODAY" button and you will be taken to a secure payment page. After your successful payment, you will receive an email with immediate access to all the materials included in the toolkit. You can download them to your device and begin your healing journey right away.

When you order, you will receive immediate access to all materials in the toolkit via email. You can download and use them at your own pace.